Clif High amp Arcane Bear
By far one of my favourite human beings on the planet. This brilliant mind has always been one of my top choices to listen to and it was a pleasure to pick his brain and ask him some questions about our direction as a society. From Omisego to Neo, Populous and Veritaseum and the rest of the crypto currency sphere. The bitcoin and blockchain community at large. We end it all off with the cherry of Antarctica, new technologies and the future developments of Koz and freedom media. I hope we get to sit down and do this again soon! It was a treat and a pleasure. • Remember to check out Clifs reports at • Populous Talk at 45.55 • OMG Talk is at 55.55 • • These are MY ideas, and I am presenting them here for entertainment/analysis purposes ONLY, you MUST do YOUR OWN due diligence before investing in ANY CC's or digital assets; Understand the Risks. • • Recorded on Sept.3.2017 • • Check us out on • Website: • Steemit: • Linkedin: / the-arcane-bear-293496133 • Google : • Twitter: / thearcanebear • Instagram: / thearcanebear