The Rights Of The Wife 2 of 2 MUFTI MENK
Marriage tips from Mufti Ismail Menk (Part 2) • The audio in the video is a small portion of an old program Mufti Ismail Menk did on the topic of ‘The social conduct of a Muslim'. The whole program is over 5 hours long. • If you would like to find the whole program then you can do so in the following ways - • WEBLINK - Click on the following weblink and go through the list of tracks until you get to the program 'Social Conduct' (part 1 to 7). • IPHONE PODCAST - If you're an iPhone user you can get the program for free by clicking on the 'Podcast icon' on your iPhone and then searching for 'Mufti Menk social conduct'. • IPHONE APP - Download a application from the App Store called 'Official Mufti Ismail Menk' by Nathmie Slamang. Open the app and scroll down until you get to the 'Social Conduct' program parts. • ANDROID APP - I'm not an android user but I believe there is also a similar android application. This can probably be found by searching in the play store for 'Official Mufti Ismail Menk' or 'Muslim Central Audio'. • Please Note: The rights of the wife and the rights of the husband can be found within the track 'Social Conduct Part 2'. You may want to listen to all 7 parts. I found the program to be very beneficial. It also deals with other topics such as the rights of Muslims, neighbours, parents, children, widows etc.