Revelation 2 The Seven Churches Pergamos Kenneth Cox


Study of the Pergamos church that caused God so much pain and anger. • Seven letters are sent from Christ to seven churches throughout Asia Minor in Revelation 2-3. These letters have prophetic significance for all God's people throughout history and today. Kenneth Cox presents a message about the Pergamos church of Revelation 2. • 2:12-13 Pergamos: The Church of Compromise, AD 323-538. Pergamos means height or elevation. It was located on a high mountain. The capital of the Roman province of Asia, it was a sophisticated city, a famous cultural center with a tremendous library and several pagan temples. • Prophetically, Pergamos represents the period from AD 323 to AD 538 when the last major obstacle hindering the power of the Bishop of the Roman Catholic Church in Rome was removed. It was during this time that the church became strongly linked with the state. The bishop of Rome was made head of all the churches. The pomp, splendor, corruption and absolute authority wielded by the pope’s “seat” during this period could rightly be called “Satan’s seat.” • Commendation: During this time the Christian Church which had held fast to the truth in the midst of persecution began to compromise its principles because of its worldly success, the praise of men and its newfound political power. Yet there were many who held fast to their faith and opposed this corruption of Christianity. • 2:14-15 Reproof: In the Old Testament “Balaam” sought to destroy Israel by tempting them to join the Moabites in fornication and idol worship. Numbers 22-25. Here Satan sought to destroy the Church by inducing its leaders to mingle paganism with Christianity and to use the state to enforce those compromises. By doing so, the Church committed spiritual “fornication.” Ezekiel 23:3. • 2:16 As the centuries progressed and the church did not repent, the Lord sent reformers with cutting Bible truths—the two-edged sword (Hosea 6:5) that exposed the false teachings and errors being taught in the fallen church. • 2:17 Promise: In ancient times, a white stone was used in court to symbolize innocence and purity while a black one symbolized guilt. Jesus promised that the overcomers, those who are faithful to Him, will never be condemned but will instead be given a white stone inscribed with a new name, a pure name that signifies their close personal relationship with Him. Romans 8:1. (Amazing Discoveries) • With thanks to Kenneth Cox Ministries for the use of their film. We do not own the rights to any of this film. This film is being used for historical and educational purposes only. No copyright infringement intended. • Amazing Prophecies:    / @amazingprophecies7  


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