Trope Talk Fallen Heroes
Well! After that trope talk on redeemed villains went up, I got bombarded with requests to do this little number next, so here we are! • Despite being something of a dark reflection of the redeemed villains trope, the fallen hero is significantly simpler and less varied than its counterpart. But despite its simplicity, there's a lot of interesting effects it can have on a story! Mostly, it subverts the notions of unassailable heroism and forces your audience to confront a more realistic framework of morality than a simple black-and-white good-people-bad-people dichotomy. Heroes aren't supposed to be able to fall, so what do we do when one DOES? • Contains late-arrival spoilers for Berserk, Avatar and Avatar: Legend of Korra, and technically also Death Note, The Dark Knight, and the Bible. • PATREON: • MERCH LINKS: • Shirts - https://overlysarcasticproducts.threa... • All the other stuff - • Find us on Twitter @OSPYouTube!