Fairytale Extended Mix

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Subscribe for more stories and tales! ► https://www.youtube.com/abitlate?sub_... • More Fairy Tales! ►    • Dark (And Cozy) Fairytales on abitlate   • Spooky Tales! ►    • Ghost Stories and Other Spooky Chilli...   • To much swirling in your brain to sleep?! Let's fall into something familiar and classic to ease the brainwaves, shall we? Join me for the classic and bizarre Sleeping Beauty in the Wood, and hopefully you will drift off to beautiful sleep as well! Disney's Sleeping Beauty is based off of this version of the story, but where it ends and everything is Happily Ever After, this tale is just beginning! Get ready for Ogres, castle-hopping, deceit, snakes, and oh so much more in this evening's reading! Disney Princess Aurora had things on Easy Mode, with only Maleficent and a cursed spinning wheel to contend with! This tale, Charles Perrault's Sleeping Beauty in the Wood, is read in a soft voice and set to some light and soft background music. I do hope you enjoy the this evening's fairy story! • Voice Over Editing ► Zachary K. • Magic Forest, Ascending the Vale Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ • This tale originally by Charles Perrault is from a compendium of tales that is now in public domain. I have added my voice, my thoughts, my animated illustrations and Creative Commons music (above). • #SleepingBeauty #Animation #Fairytale #Perrault #ASMR


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