Angular modules and controllers
creating modules in angularjs • creating controllers in angularjs • In this video we will discuss • 1. What is a module in angular • 2. How to create a module • 3. What is a controller in angular • 4. How to create a controller • 5. How to register a controller with the module • 6. How to use the module that we created to bootstrap the angular application • Healthy diet is very important both for the body and mind. If you like Aarvi Kitchen recipes, please support by sharing, subscribing and liking our YouTube channel. Hope you can help. • / @aarvikitchen5572 • What is a module in AngularJS • A module is a container for different parts of your application i.e controllers, services, directives, filters, etc. In this video we will also discuss controllers. We will discuss services, filters and directives in a later video. • Why is a module required • You can think of a module as a Main() method in other types of applications. For example, a Dot Net console application has a Main() method which is the entry point into the application and it wires together the different parts of the application. • Modules are the angular application's equivalent of the Main() method. Modules declaratively specify how the angular application should be bootstrapped. • There are several benefits of the modular approach. It may be difficult to comprehend all those benefits right now, so we will defere the discussion of the benefits to a later video. • How to create a module • Creating a module in angular is staright forward. Use the angular object's module() method to create a module. The angular object is provided by angular script. The following example, creates a module. • var myApp = angular.module( myModule , []) • The first parameter specifies the name of the module. • The second parameter specifies the dependencies for this module • A module can depend on other modules. We will discuss an example of module dependencies in a later video. Right now, the module that we are creating is not dependent on any other external modules, so I am passing an empty array as the value for the second parameter. • What is a controller in angular • In angular a controller is a JavaScript function. The job of the controller is to build a model for the view to display. The model is the data. In a real world application, the controller may call into a service to retrieve data from the database. • How to create a controller in angular • Simple, create a JavaScript constructor function • var myController = function ($scope) { • $scope.message = AngularJS Tutorial ; • } • What is $scope • $scope is an angular object that is passed to the controller function by the angular framework. We attach the model to the $scope object, which will then be available in the view. With in the view, we use the databinding expression to retrieve the data from the scope object and display it. • How to register the controller with the module • Use module object's controller function to register the controller with the module • myApp.controller( myController , myController); • Here is the complete code • //Create the module • var myApp = angular.module( myModule , []); • //Create the controller • var myController = function ($scope) { • $scope.message = AngularJS Tutorial ; • } • // Register the controller with the module • myApp.controller( myController , myController); • The above code can also be written as shown below. • //Create the module • var myApp = angular.module( myModule , []); • // Creating the controller and registering with the module all done in one line. • myApp.controller( myController , function ($scope) { • $scope.message = AngularJS Tutorial ; • }); • How to use the module that we created to bootstrap the angular application • Associate the module name with ng-app directive • ng-app= myModule • Similarly associate the controller using ng-controller directive • ng-controller= myController • Link for all dot net and sql server video tutorial playlists • • Link for slides, code samples and text version of the video • http://csharp-video-tutorials.blogspo...