How Good Was Gyarados
Welcome back to how good was a Pokemon ingame? Today we have Gyarados, a very prominent pokemon in the series. Before we actually look into how Gyarados was though let me get into how I will be analyzing it in the games first. I will be taking how well Gyarados does in important battles such as the Rival, Evil teams, gym leaders, etc along with the moves it gets and the game availability. If you guys enjoy this series and want more of it let’s crush 4000 likes and vote for what Pokemon you guys want most in the comments below. Whatever comment gets the most upvotes, will be the Pokemon we do next. Anyways that's all out of the way now, let’s hop into the history of Gyarados from the ingame perspective. • Become a member today!: • / @mysticumbreon • Evolution T-Shirt: • Cyberpower PC's Website use Code Mystic to get 5% off on all purchases over 1299$: • • MysticSage: • / @mysticsage • Our Gaming Channel MysticalGaming: / channel • Follow me on Twitch: / mysticumbreon • Check out our community discord: or this one if the first one doesn't work / discord • Follow me on Instagram: mysticumbreon_ • Follow me on Twitter: / mysticumbreon94 • Support me on Patreon: / mysticumbreon • Patrons who have donated: JDinis, Aanvik, The4thgengamer, Coolindude, Jasmin Skoplijak, Tyree Awantaye, Savannah (my secretary), Poketuber, The Sith'ari, Kepheus, ChikoritaCheezits, SpikeSP, Flyjubilee, JesseTheRuby, Frostfang5412, Daniel Leon, Diane Wierzbicki, Lady Krimzen, Derpy Poster, Dylan Clough, Miguel Poissant, Pub Sparky Wynx, Gasnort, Pal491, Ryan Turk, Lightningwolf4r, TheLazyLeo, AwesomeLego, Sodden Grider, AkAjmc, Nigma97, DDD