My Fasting Results Bone Broth Fasting Finale
Click Here to Subscribe: • Special thanks to Kettle Fire for making this Bone Broth Fast Possible! • Check them out Here to do your own Bone Broth Fast: • • • Website: • • My Fasting Results - Bone Broth Fasting Finale - Thomas DeLauer • • I just finished up a three day fast, a three day bone broth fast literally last night and those of you that have been following me know that this has been a challenge that I put out to my community to do it alongside with me. Overall, we had close to 100,000 people that did this bone broth fast. That is phenomenal, but anyway, the reason that I did this was to pioneer some self-experimentation. I wanted to learn some things, but I also wanted to document my own results. I wanted to document some of the data, some of the glucose, some of the ketones, but learn from this process. Because one of the things I like to instill in my entire following is that they can always self-experiment because every single person has a level of bio-individuality. Research and data is great, but honestly, it's just research, it's not the end all be all. We have to know what works for us. • So all in all with this recap, I found that a bone broth fast is significantly harder than a traditional fast. Not a bad thing, I just noticed that it was harder. Now the reason is is because I think was consuming something. Even that small amount of calories triggered a little bit of an insulin response, making it so that I was hungry or than I normally would be. Now that's not necessarily a bad thing, we are still getting the digestive benefit and overall I felt phenomenal. I just noticed that it was a little bit different because I had a meal to look forward to so I think I was triggering my own sort of dopamine response, anticipating something, anticipating that next meal. So I actually ended up consuming a little bit less bone broth than I thought I would because I found every time I consumed it, it just triggered up cravings. • All right, so it's 5:30 on Day One. I've got myself my Starbucks cold brew with water, so just the concentrate just to get a nice quick shot of caffeine. I'm about to go hit a full body time under tension workout, focus more so on like the hamstrings, posterior chain, glutes, calves, a little bit of hips. Obviously some quads and the rest of the body just for small volume. So I went ahead and tested my blood glucose this morning. It was astronomically high, it was 95 which is pretty high for me. I shouldn't say astronomically but fasted glucose, that's pretty high and it probably has something to do with the fact that I allowed myself to have some Halo Top enlightened ice cream last night just because I knew I wasn't gonna be eating for three days. • What I wanted to make sure that I did throughout this entire fast was try to train as I normally would. I didn't want to change or modify a whole lot of things, so I stuck to my normal training, which is pretty high intensity so Monday I ended up hitting more of a leg-dominant workout. It was a full body routine with more of a focus on legs and I ended up hitting a little bit of high intensity interval training just because I felt like I had the energy to and I wanted to push it as much as I could to be able to test my strength over the next couple of days and see what my relative strength was like. • Now I did have some carbs this morning, so I would imagine that my ketones aren't super high anymore. So all in all what I've learned from this is that when you are fat-adapted, your body changes, period. During a prolonged fast, we can see how this actually affects us, how our cells do interesting things and how our body adapts to lower levels of blood sugar by of course creating ketones but also protecting the brain and protecting the central nervous system by generating enough glucose. • Now what I do want to say is you may not have participated in this fast. You may not have really done it yourself but just enjoyed following it, but I will say that Kettle Fire has been a huge sponsor of this and because of this video and because of this entire challenge, they are still offering up their full fasting bundle. So all you have to do is click down in the link below and you can get their fasting bundle and take advantage of a massive amount of bone broth that can get you through a bone broth fast. Because honestly, we need to bring awareness to prolonged fasting. Anyone can do it, it's tremendous for your health, obviously I feel like a million bucks after breaking my fast. I have energy, I didn't have to eat much, I had an amazing workout this morning, and I feel mentally clear. • So as always, make sure you're keeping it locked in here on my channel. As always also, make sure you post any comments or questions down below and I'll see you in the next video.