Wild Mushrooms – Trooping Funnel Infundibulicybe Geotropa
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In the historical cookbooks and dietetic handbooks, we find several suggestions on how to cook mushrooms in order to correct their potentially harmful effects. This is the recipe given in the Historie Naturali by the naturalist Baldassarre Pisanelli in the 16th century. • Si cuocano con pere acerbe, basilico, pane, aglio, e calamento e poi si condiscano con oglio, sale, e pepe. • “They should be cooked with unripe pears, basil, bread, garlic, and lesser calamint, then dressed with oil, salt, and pepper.” • For more information about vegetables in historical Italian cooking check out our book “Early Italian Recipes. Vegetables, fruit, herbs, and flowers” • English https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B4T8VPFQ • Italiano https://www.amazon.it/dp/B0B4V32FHR • #mushrooms #foraging #infundibulicybegeotropa #geotropa #troopingfunnel