Mad Men Season 4 Episode 1 Recap
Check out Bas Rutten's Liver Shot on MMA Surge: • • MAD MEN PREMIERE • The fourth season of Mad Men premiered on July 25, 2010, on AMC. Here's a brief recap in case you missed it. • The episode takes place the week of Thanksgiving in 1964, nearly a year later from the Season 3 finale. Don Draper is being interviewed for a feature story in Advertising Age. But his answers are so incredibly cryptic, and the article printed so scathing, that it costs the new agency, known as Sterling Cooper Draper Price, several accounts. • Roger convinces Don to go on a date with a friend of Jane's, but she rejects his aggressive advances. Roger later tries to get Don to join the family on Thanksgiving but he indicates that he has plans , which wind up being a regularly scheduled session with a prostitute. • Things aren't going well for Betty either. Now married to Henry Francis, her continued impatience with her children becomes a problem for her. When she badly handles a situation with her daughter Sally, Henry's mother quietly scolds Henry, disapproving of Betty and accusing him of only marrying her for the sex. • Finally, after a near-disaterours publicity stunt in which Peggy Pete and Joey involve two rival actresses to stage a fight that turns all-too real, Don has a second interview with the same Ad Agency reporter and begins to open up about who he really is. • Related Pages: •