Learn How to USE Your Subsconscious MIND 4 12 2015
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=gd0TskH8Yck
4/12/2015 - The radio interviewer Constance Arnold hosts Harry W. Carpenter author of The Genie Within - Your Subconscious Mind – How It Works and How to Use It . • http://www.loaradionetwork.com/#!cons... • Harry W. Carpenter has taught and studied the Subconscious Mind for 60 years. You will understand how the subconscious works, what the subconscious can do for you, how the subconscious affects your health, creativity and success. You will also gain an understanding of the the difference between the conscious and subconscious. Harry will share simple methods for you to reprogram your subconscious. • http://www.thegeniewithin.net