Are Raw Salads Healthy🥗 Doctor Rekha GutHealth rawfood DigestiveHealth guthealth


How does your gut health get affected when you eat raw salads? • Let's dissect this: • Look at raw veggies and leaves! • They are light dry! • In our gut, what is light and dry? Vata! • Vata is predominantly the air element. • When Vata is increased, what happens to the Agni or digestive fire? • It becomes Vishama Agni or Agni that is high low and not balanced! Sometimes you will feel your digestion is ok, sometimes you feel it isn’t! Also increased Vata can give you digestive discomfort, gas, bloating, constipation etc! • Then how to eat raw salads? • Hence for good gut health, sauté your raw salads with good fats, sprinkle some spices and consume it warm! Works great! • Good news for Kapha people: If you are a Kapha person who exercises regularly with great digestion, you may still be able to enjoy raw salads once in a while! But if you consume regularly, and not in small amounts, it may still backfire! • For Ayurvedic consultations, drop a WhatsApp message at +91 79074 89839. You can also follow me on Instagram (@doctorrekha) where I post daily! • #GutHealth #RawSalads #DigestiveHealth #VataBalance #Agni #AyurvedaTips #HealthyEating #AyurvedicDiet #BloatingRelief #ConstipationRelief #WarmFood #SautéedSalads #KaphaBalance #NutritionTips #HealthyDigestion #VataImbalance #AyurvedaForHealth #GutHealing #HealthyDigestionTips #VishamaAgni #BloatFree #GasRelief #BalancedDiet #AyurvedicWisdom #EatWarmFoods #AyurvedaLifestyle #GutFriendly #AyurvedaHealing #VataDosha #KaphaDiet


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