Bee Smoker Pellets Review and Comparison


Due to a lack of available information and videos on these items, I decided to make a video demonstrating the use of a type of bee smoker pellet that I haven't seen used before. You can order these pellets from Amazon under the the following name brands: BeeCastle, GooDay, Ogrmar, The Magnificent Bee. • Due to the price, I thought these pellets may be a lot bigger than expector, or if not, maybe they come loaded with some sort of highly reactive, smoke-producing chemical like 4th of July smoke bombs. I did not know, but a small package of pine shavings sold at Walmart as pet bedding can be bought for $4. You can get a newspaper for about $2 (and that's expensive for a newspaper). And you can use newspaper as your tinder and pine pet bedding as the main fuel in your bee smoker probably dozens of times before you have to purchase more of that fuel. You can even use cypress needles, hay, burlap, all for free; just get it started with a piece of newspaper and you have a very inexpensive bee smoker fuel that if done correctly will last you at least half an hour. • So are these cylindrical smoker pellets found on Amazon a lot more potent than one might think? Are they mixed with some sort of pyrotechnic fuel that causes them to give off a lot more smoke than one might expect? Find out in this video. • One additional note is that certain aspects of this video may offer some ASMR, though it is not intentional. • #bees #honeybees #beekeeping #smoker #smokerpellets #ASMR #review


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