How I Make Art Prints Cheap Small Business Artist and my Experience with Staples
Want to learn how I make art prints cheap? This video will teach you precisely how I, your favorite graffiti artist/lawyer, does it! • If you like my content, please don't forget to like this video, comment below telling me your thoughts, and subscribe if you want more content from me! • 0:00 - 1:00 Different ways to make art prints • 1:00 - 1:58 My Staples Saga • 1:58 - 3:40 Local Print Shop Reaction to a Picture on my Phone of my Painting • 3:40 - 6:49 Examples of McGee-Cadd's work • So, some people can make their art prints at home with a fancy printer BUT I am way too cheap to buy one of those (I'm selling my art on etsy, but I'm not making THAT much! :p). • I wanted to find a shop that would make awesome prints for super cheap and I was able to find one; however, I want to save you the hassle of going out and finding the shop. • I first went to Staples and their prints were really cheap....but...they were total crap. I'm sure a Staples in another location might not be as bad. But, homie, that was a trainwreck. My blue painting turned into a yellow and brown print. Then on top of that I had to still pay for it LOL like stop. • So then I went to a local print shop that looked pretty legit. They had really detailed and colorful posters on the walls so I thought okay I found my place. Well someone on youtube had said that I could just bring a picture on my phone to the shop and they could print it. So, I told the lady at the front desk that I had a picture of my art. Ya'll, she laughed at me. After her five minute belly laugh she said the picture on my phone was too small for them to print. Instead, I should just take the original to this place called McGee-Cadd Reprographics and Drafting. Like wut. • So, irritated and even more broke, I waddled over to McGee-Cadd and it was the best thing I ever could have done. • McGee-Cadd made digital copies for five bucks, regular prints for a dollar, AND they put my painting on STICKER PAPER for a dollar. I got roughly 18 stickers for a dollar. They constantly give me extra prints and free prints. They are so creative that even if I don't articulate what I want very well, they are able to give me above and beyond what I could ask for. I've had such an awesome experience with them. So if you have a McGee-Cadd in your area, you should definitely just go there first and make your prints! • Let me know if you have any questions or comments! • • / graffitibykelsi • Also, here's the link to that sticker paper! •