DampD Beyond Tutorial Adding Dunamancy Spells via Homebrew Outdated
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=gkj3Gdltbq4
Update: This video has become obsolete with the release of the Explorer's Guide to Wildemount. If you're trying to make Dunamancy spells available to other characters via homebrew, simply make a copy of the dunamancy spell and add it to other caster classes' lists, or create a homebrew feat that grants the character those spells. • How to input introductory Dunamancy spells (from the Critical Role Wildemount Campaign) into D D Beyond's homebrew spell tool for use in your own 5E campaigns - in Exandria and beyond! • Spell source: / 1129287168503865344 • More Tutorials: • D DBeyond Tutorials