Invitation to The Next Lemuria


Hey, beautiful souls! Amber Mele'ha Wolf here, greeting you from sunny Tucson, Arizona. It’s a perfect fall day, and I have an exciting invitation for you! • 🗓 Where will you be on 11/11? I’d love for you to join me for a transformative experience as we dive into the evolution of the crystalline human and explore our journey into the next Lemuria together. • 💫 We’re in a powerful time of transition – let’s gather and unlock these new energies as a community. • 🌐 Join us Monday, November 11 at 5 pm PT. Visit to secure your spot. • Looking forward to seeing you there! 💖 • ✨ ABOUT The Pleiadian Star Mothers ✨ • The Pleiadians Star Mothers, also known as the Seven Sisters, are benevolent ascended Beings that came to our Earth to create a spiritual re-set for us. They began their loving work by anchoring the energetic Grid of Gaia, creating the 12 Nodes and Nulls of the Earth. By consensual agreement with the Lemurians, they began seeding a new humanity of divine humans, birthed from the bodies of the Star Mothers and Lemurian fathers. These benevolent Beings remain in the DNA of the old soul Akash, many of whom are alive on the planet today. • 💫 Discover more about the Star Mothers in my free mini course: • ✨ABOUT The Shamanic Teaching Wheel ✨ • • Your ancient Akash resonates with this information and the powerful memories of these teachings. Through the Shamanic Teaching Wheel, your sense of a higher purpose and mission can come alive! • This Shamanic Gateway is your opportunity to step forward. As a member of this community of wisdom-keepers, you accept your role as a modern ShaWoman's and way-shower in today’s world. The Star Mothers have been waiting for you to rediscover your Old Soul destiny for 100,000 years. • ✨ABOUT The Lemurian Sisterhood ✨ • The Lemurian Sisterhood is a sacred invitation to rekindle your ancient Lemurian Akash, your Pleiadian DNA, and to reawaken your core divine feminine essence! In the days of Lemuria, we came together for healing, rejuvenation, and community, when women were the Shamans and the holders of Spiritual Wisdom. In Sacred Circles, you will be welcomed into the Lemurian Sisterhood with Dr. Amber Mele’ha Wolf, the last Priestess of Lemuria. • ✨ABOUT Dr. Amber Mele’ha Wolf ✨ • Amber Mele'ha Wolf, Ph.D. is an internationally known teacher, facilitator, author, recording artist, healing intuitive, and channel of the Pleiadian Star Mothers. She is an International Kryon team member and presenting partner of Lee Carroll. By accessing her awakened Lemurian Akash she has created the growing community of the Lemurian Sisterhood and Lemurian Shamanism School with seminars online and in-person around the world. • UPCOMING EVENTS: • • FOLLOW the LEMURIAN SISTERHOOD on Facebook and Instagram • instagram/ lemuriansisterhoodglobal • Facebook, Lemurian Sisterhood Global • Lemurian Sisterhood, Lemurian Shamanism School, and Shamanic Teaching Wheel are the property of Amber Wolf, Ph.D., LLC, and Trademarked™ 2014 Copyright © 2024 by Dr. Amber Wolf, LLC. All Rights Reserved. • Divine Blessings dear Shining Ones from Amber Mele’ha~ We’d love to hear from you! Please tell us about your experiences in the comments below! • #originalstarmotherchannel #lastpriestessoflemuria #lastpriestessofmu #lastlemuriapriestess #starmotherschannels #Amberwolf #Meleha #amberwolfMeleha #lemuriansisterhoodglobal #starmothers #pleiadians #starseeds #sacredcircles #divinefeminine #sacredones #daughtersofmu #shawomenofmu #transformation #sacredceremony #meleha #kryon #leecarroll #amberwolf #ShamanicTeaching #Lemuria #IntentionalCreation #CommunityGratitude #SpiritualGrowth #PersonalReflection #Empowerment #AncientTraditions #EarthWisdom #GlobalCelebration #positivechange #sevensisters #gridofgaia #Transformation #CrystallineHuman #NextLemuria #SpiritualAwakening #AscensionJourney #1111Portal #AmberWolfPhD #HigherConsciousness #SpiritualGrowth #EnergyHealing #SoulEvolution #TucsonEvents #MysticalMonday #CollectiveAwakening #LemurianEnergy #Lightworkers #SacredJourney #DivineAlignment #CrystalVibration #NewEarth #SpiritualCommunity #AwakeningSouls #TransformationTime #1111Gateway #ConsciousLiving


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