How To Use Stephen Coveys Time Matrix Quadrants To Prioritize Tasks in 4K


🤎💙 Use discount code TONYAPLANS10: • VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: • • In this video I’m going to talk about Stephen Covey’s Time Matrix. • • I’m going to discuss what are the 4 quadrants and how I use them to prioritize in my Franklin Planner. • • Hi everybody! My name is Tonya. I make videos on practical planning organization and small business. Hi! • • If this is your first time here and you want to manage your time and in return manage the stress in your life and learn more about Stephen Covey’s principles. Make sure you hit the red subscribe button below because I plan to do more videos like this. • • • So you have the potential to be great! You have the potential to do almost anything. But the reality is we sometimes finds ourselves stressed simply because we don’t have enough time to complete everything. • • Stress is normal. But a lot of stress can affect your health. • So let’s say you have a lot to do. You have all of these tasks floating around in your head and don’t know where to begin. Well first, I recommend you do a brain dump to get all of that information out. I will be the link to my brain dumping video below in the description. • • Some of you may be already familiar with Stephen Covey. He’s a motivational speaker and time management expert. He teaches that people spend their time in one of 4 ways. • • • He teaches people to put their tasks in one of these 4 quadrants. The quadrants are • • Q1, Q2, Q2, Q4 • • Q1 which stands for quadrant 1 are the things that you have to do out of necessity. One way people spend their time is in crisis, emergency meeting, last-minute deadlines, pressing problems, and unforeseen events. • • For example my son falling off a trampoline in the back yard and breaking his leg. That would go in Q1 because it’s a crisis and I have to do something out to necessity. • • Q3 is distraction. So people can spend their time on needless interupptions, unnecessary reports, irrelevant meetings, other peoples minor issues, unimportant email, tasks, phone calls, status posts. • • Q4 is when you waste your time. Like on trivial work, avoidance activities, excessive relational, television, gaming, time wasters, gossip. • • Q2 is where you want to be. This is where you have extraordinary productivity. Being productive is when you are doing productive work, working on your high impact goals, creative thinking, planning, prevention, relation building, learning and renewal (like watching this video). • • From here to here is important to not important. From here to here is urgent to not urgent. • • With that said, let’s say you have a list tasks to do and you need to prioritize them. This is my brain dump that I did before I purchased my planner. • • You take your brain dump and transfer those tasks to your planner, cell phone or computer…whatever is your preferred way to plan. • • Then the Franklin Covey system suggests you sort the tasks with lettered priority • • A for top priorities • • B for next priorities • • C for next priorities • • So you will see that you may have several tasks that are top priorities. Remember you can refer to the matrix to determine what is a top priority. • • Next all of the tasks with A’s you begin to put numbers behind them with 1 being the most urgent of all priorities. • • Then move to the B group and start to number them. • • That concludes this topic. If you think someone would benefit from this video, please share. • • If you found this video helpful in anyway and if you know someone who would benefit from this information, or is interested in time management, then send them a link to this video. • • If you are not already subscribed, make sure to hit the subscribe button somewhere on this page so you can get more videos like this in the future. • • Thank you so much for watching. I’ll see you next time. • Please help me continue to make these types of videos. Some links shared in this description box may be affiliate links which mean if you use those links I may get a small compensation from the companies (at no cost to you). Thanks for your support.


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