BELLEVUE B101 B191 E104 E108 L103 M102 amp MSO105 respond to a structure fire
INCIDENT DESCRIPTION • At 7:21 pm on August 28, 2024, the Bellevue Fire Department responded to a possible structure fire in the 12000 block of SE 59th Street, in the Newport neighborhood of Bellevue, WA. The caller, likely the homeowner, reported a chicken fryer had caught fire and was spreading into the house. The first due company, Engine 109, observed light smoke coming from the house and upgraded the incident to a working fire. The fire was extinguished fairly quickly and most units were cleared. It's not known how much damage was done to the residence and how many, if any, were displaced, but the American Red Cross responded. The incident lasted one hour and fifty-two minutes. • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS TIMELINE • Numbers in parenthesis represent number of angles seen in the video. • 0:00 - B101 responding from Station 1 (1) • 0:20 - E104 responding (1) • 0:29 - E104 responding (2) • 0:35 - L103 responding (1) • 0:48 - E104 responding (3) • 0:58 - E108 responding (1) • 1:04 - E104 responding (2) • 1:12 - E104 responding (4) • 1:23 - E102, B101, M102 responding (1) • 1:45 - E102, B101, M102 responding (2) • 2:05 - E102, B101, M102 responding (3) • 2:22 - E102, B101, M102 responding (4) • 2:40 - MSO105 responding (1) • 2:49 - E108, E102, B101, M102 responding (2),(5) • 3:11 - MSO105 responding (2) • 3:18 - MSO105 responding (3) • 3:23 - MSO105 responding (4) • 3:29 - E108, E102, B101, M102 responding (3),(6) • 3:57 - B191 responding (1) • 4:05 - B191 responding (2) • 4:15 - MSO105 responding (5) • 4:33 - L103 responding (2) • 4:53 - L103 responding (3) • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • AUDIO • This is real audio from NORCOM Fire Tactical 2 from the incident. It is important to know that the audio is not very synced with video. I tried syncing it up with the camera timestamps but found out after I was done that the camera times are wrong. Fun! Sync is off anywhere between 10 and 45 seconds, varies by camera. • Not enough description space for transcript :( • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • UNITS • Bellevue FD units dispatched were: A102, B101, E102, E104, E108, E109, L103*, M102, and MSO105. • Bellevue FD units seen in this video were: B101, E102, E104, E108, L103, M102, MSO105. • *Bellevue ladder units are light force style, with a ladder truck and a fire engine as one unit. • Mutual aid units dispatched were: B171, B191 (Eastside), L311 (Renton) • Mutual aid units seen in this video were: B191 (Eastside, ex-Mercer Island FD) • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • BEHIND THE SCENES • Bellevue doesn't get many structure fires fortunately, but when they do, I put more effort into Bellevue videos. I always seem to miss live traffic camera catches, so massive thanks to SafetyVid for letting me download the archived footage. I caught Eastside Fire units in the last Bellevue video, but this is the first catch of an ex-Mercer Island unit! The MIFD is now part of Eastside Fire Rescue, since the beginning of the year. Battalion 191 still has MIFD on the roof. • Mason County Volume 5 is complete and will be uploaded in coming days, though it may be the last. Mason Co Auditor cameras are down until next election, and by then the scanner will be encrypted. That will make it a lot harder to get catches, and there are less stations with cameras for a while. We'll see! • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • MY LINKS • Check out my website! It has real-life photography from nearby Kitsap County and more! • (Site overhaul coming soon) • Follow my Twitter account: • • Follow my Flickr account: • • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • CREDITS NEWS LINKS • This channel and its content is inspired HEAVILY by LucasFirebuffing's channel, SeattleTrafficCams. I highly recommend you check him out, his videos are very well made: @/SeattleTrafficCams • Audio archived by • Video archived by thank you!! • Video edited by me using ClipChamp by Microsoft • • Thanks for watching! These descriptions sure take a long time to write...