Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone SIADH


Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone (SIADH) • In this video we're walking through the pathophysiology and signs and symptoms of syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone, also known as SIADH. You won't need to memorize a list of symptoms for your nursing school exam, but you'll actually understand the critical thinking behind it. • SIADH Pathophysiology • SIADH is focused on a hormone called ADH, anti diuretic hormone, which is released from the posterior pituitary gland. In SIADH, there is too much ADH being released. This can be caused by things like nervous system disorders or tumors.  • 1. ADH is released from the posterior pituitary gland, regardless of fluid volume • 2. ADH travels down to the kidneys • 3. The kidneys respond to the ADH and hold onto more water, rather than sending it out into the urine • 4. Fluid volume in the body goes up because of all the extra water the kidneys are holding onto • 5. Sodium level in the body will decrease because the sodium is being DILUTED by all of that extra water •                                                                                           • During SIADH, the sodium level in the body will be LOW, NOT because there is less sodium, but because there is just more water diluting the sodium out.  • SIADH Signs and symptoms • Water retention: ADH tells the kidneys to hold on to water, instead of sending it out into the urine, and too much ADH is being released. Those two things lead to an increase fluid volume and a diluted lower sodium level. Weight gain will happen, simply because there is more water in the body. • Increased blood pressure: This increase in body water can also lead to higher blood pressure. • Increased heart rate: The patient may have an increased heart rate and a bounding pulse because there is more fluid inside the blood vessels. • Decreased urine output: The kidneys are holding onto more water, and the urine that is made is very concentrated. • GI disturbances: Nausea, vomiting, and a loss of appetite, can happen because the sodium is being diluted. Sodium plays an important role in muscle contraction within the GI tract, so without it, GI muscles can't do their job as effectively.  • Diminished deep tendon reflexes: Sodium plays such a key role in muscle contraction. Without it, the muscles can't contract.  • Mental status changes: Without enough sodium in the blood, the patient may have some mental status changes, like headaches, lethargy, confusion, seizures and even coma. The shifts in fluid also can cause these neurological changes to happen, because it actually can shift into the cerebrospinal fluid and cause brain swelling. These changes in neurological function is also what causes the body temperature to change. The central nervous system needs sodium and proper fluid balance to function optimally.  • • ❓ COMMUNITY QUESTION: Does breaking down the patho into simple steps help you remember it? • TIMESTAMPS: • 0:00 Intro • 1:00 Definition • 2:18 Normal Function of ADH • 2:51 During SIADH • 5:12 Signs and Symptoms • • RESOURCES: • 1. FREE STUDY CHECKLIST • Get our best study tips in this quick PDF download. • • 2. JOIN THE COMMUNITY • Get instant access to premium, step-by-step nursing lectures and a supportive community of like-minded nursing students. • • • POPULAR VIDEOS: • How To Ace Dose Calc:    • ACE Dosage Calculations in 6 EASY Ste...   • The Best Pharm Hack (You've Never Heard Before):    • My #1 Pharmacology HACK for Nursing S...   • My TOP Study Tips:    • How to Get Straight A's in Nursing Sc...   • SIADH vs Diabetes Insipidus:    • SIADH vs Diabetes Insipidus   • • 🎥 VIDEO REQUESTS: Leave a comment below and let me know what video topic you'd love to see in the future. • *Some of these are affiliate links, and I will receive a small commission if you choose to purchase a product through one of these links. Thanks for your support of our channel!* • • -- • • 🩺 NURSING SCHOOL SUPPLIES MUST HAVES: • • • -- • • NEVER MISS A STUDY TIP AGAIN • SUBSCRIBE: • • -- • • FOLLOW FOR MORE NURSING SCHOOL TIPS • BLOG: • INSTAGRAM:   / nursingsos   • FACEBOOK:   / nursingsos   • • -- • LEGAL DISCLAIMER: • We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. • These videos are intended for entertainment purposes only. Although we strive for 100% accuracy in all of our videos, errors may occur. Never treat a patient or make a nursing or medical decision based on the information provided on this channel or in our videos. Never practice nursing or medicine unless you have a proper license to do so. • #medsurg #pathophysiology #nursingschool


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