Skyrim Stones of Barenziah unusual gems amp No Stone Unturned quest
IMPORTANT NOTE: Proudspire Manor is no longer accessible with the Fletcher's Key. Unfortunately it got patched in patch 1.9. Now you have to buy the house from Falk Firebeard for 25k septims (the steward in The Blue Palace), after completing quests The Man Who Cried Wolf and Elisif's Tribute . • ---- • Stones of Barenziah and the quest No Stone Unturned in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. • ---- • The locations of all the 24 stones, and the Crown of Barenziah. • The reward is Prowler's Profit effect, which will increase the amount of gems found in all loot. • Time list of locations in the video: • 0:00 Title • 0:25 Whiterun - Dragonsreach • 2:04 Solitude - Dainty Sload (ship) • 2:49 Solitude - Reeking Cave (under Thalmor Embassy) • 3:33 Solitude - Blue Palace • 3:50 Solitude - Proudspire Manor (the key glitch wont work anymore, buy the house) • 4:30 Markarth - Understone Keep (Dwemer Museum) • 4:58 Markarth - Treasury House • 5:17 Markarth - Dead Crone Rock • 6:28 Falkreath - Sunderstone Gorge • 7:44 Falkreath - Pinewatch • 8:32 Falkreath - Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary (requires starting the DB questline) • 10:12 Windhelm - Palace of the Kings • 10:30 Windhelm - House of Clan Shatter-Shield • 10:49 Windhelm - Stony Creek Cave • 11:36 Windhelm - Ansilvund • 14:03 Riften - Black-Briar Lodge • 14:42 Riften - Mistveil Keep • 15:04 Morthal - Rannveig's Fast • 16:08 Whiterun - Fellglow Keep • 16:32 Whiterun - Jorrvaskr (Companions' headquarters) • 16:57 Whiterun - Hall of the Dead • 17:17 College of Winterhold - Arch-Mage's Quarters (requires playing the 2 first quests) • 17:40 Winterhold - Hob's Fall Cave • 18:18 Winterhold - Yngvild • 20:22 The Crown of Barenziah • IMPORTANT NOTES: • do not obtain all the 24 stones before talking to Vex about the unusual gem. Leave at least one stone unobtained and start the quest. Otherwise the quest will glitch and you can not complete it. • sometimes the quest will count that you have found more gems than you actually have. For example the quest reports that you have collected 15 stones, even tho you have collected only 13. This will not affect the quest in a negative way, since when its counted to 24 by the quest, you can complete it, even if you havent collected all the 24 stones. • I recommend not to go to the Tolvad's Cave before this quest sends you there. Otherwise you might not be able to enter the required parts of the cave. • as a small trivia, the complete crown has 25 stones in it.. • --- • Guides for all Dragon shouts here: • • Skyrim: Dragon Shouts