Landing at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport underneath a Boeing 747 HiRes


For the intro sequence of our first Omnimax/IMAX film Picture Holland we attached an IMAX camera to the belly of a KLM Boeing 747 to film the touch down from a unique angle. • Approach from the East over 'Amsterdamse Bos'. • Over the' Grote Speelweide' the wheel wells open and the gear comes down. • Later than usual, causing some alarms to go off, but we had a great flying crew that managed to wait till the last moment to create the right visual effect. • Four sets of four-wheel bogies and the nose-wheel assembly descend like bunches of grapes. • Pass over the 'Ringdijk' canal and the A9 highway towards the 09-27 runway, known as the 'Buitenveldertbaan'. • Then the smoke from the wheels hitting the runway. And after a quick stop we put in a new roll of film (1000 ft for 2 1/2 minutes) and took off again for another take. We did four of them this way.


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