How to install Oblivion mods using Oblivion Mod Manager


Tutorial on how to install oblivion mods and create omods using oblivion mod manager (also known as OBMM). I highly recommend using this program and turning every mod you download into an 'omod'. • And first off, sorry for any long pauses or stuttering. It was my first time addressing a virtual crowd and blabbering on to myself alone in a room for 10 minutes while remembering to mention everything I wanted to say. • EDIT@10/04/2010: This is not an invitation to ask me all sorts of mod related questions or about PC problems. Sorry but the reason I made this video is precisely due to me getting too many PMs about stuff that already has plenty of tutorials, explanations, etc... • If this video doesn't help you then please post at the forums for further assistance. The site is FREE to use. • • • Oblivion Mod Manager: • If OBMM says LIMITED USER MODE or something similar, you need to right click your obmm shortcut and select properties... then under the 'Compatibility' tab select 'Run as Administrator'. • 7zip program: • If 7-zip doesn't default to your archive opening program (ie, clicking the .rar or .7z files doesn't launch it) then right click the .rar or .7z. or .zip file and hit 'properties'. At the top of properties it will say 'opens with' and next to it will be a button labelled 'Change'. Hit the button and you should then browse to your installation directory of 7zip (C://program files/7-zip/) and select 7zFM.exe. Select it and hit OK... apply your changes and it should now work. You will have to repeat this step for the other file types. Eg. Once for .rar, again for .7z and again for .zip. • • Mods used as examples: • Natural Environments • • Weapons Of The Fallen Heroes • • Better Cities • • Lightspell Recolor OMOD • • Black Wisteria • • • Creating omods: • -Download the mod you want • -Extract the files • -Open OBMM (Oblivion Mod Manager) • -Hit 'Create' at the bottom • -Click 'Add Folder' and browse to the folder you extracted • -Select it and hit OK • -Now enter the mod name at the top • -Check that the .esp and data files show up correctly in the small box. You need to select the folder that contains the .esp and the other misc folders (eg. Textures/Meshes/Sounds/etc...). • -Hit 'Create OMOD' at the bottom • -Click 'Yes' to any following dialogue screens. • If the mod comes as an .omod file already then just double click it! • If you notice the zipped file you downloaded contains a folder called 'omod conversion data', then don't bother unzipping it. Follow the steps described above and simply select 'Add Archive' instead of 'Add Folder'. Browse to the archive and select it. Create the omod and you're done! • • Archive Invalidation: • If you experience any problems with the mod (like missing textures, floating heads, exclamation marks), then just look at the right hand side of OBMM and click on 'Utilities': • -Select 'Archive Invalidation' • -Select 'BSA Alteration' in the new window that pops up • -Select all the boxes under 'Files types to include' • -Hit 'Update Now' • This should ensure all mod added contents show up correctly ingame. • • About Data Conflicts: • If you have several files with 'red squares' then you just need to decide for yourself if it's anything to worry about. • I have lots of texture replacers and keep installing new ones that may 'overlap' for some items, so naturally I keep getting warnings. But all I'm doing is replacing the old files with newer ones. It's not really 'breaking' anything. • Most popular mods usually list a series of compatibility issues with other popular mods. Be sure to always check the readme and mod page info properly! • If something does mess up though, you can easily uninstall both conflicting mods and reinstall the one you want to keep. All it will take is a few double clicks with Oblivion Mod Manager! • • Load Order Questions: • • All mods from • • Small note: That's not my normal desktop resolution. I changed it to 1280x720 for this video to make things large enough to see. I tried testing 1920x1200 in HD quality, but once it was uploaded to youtube the writing just looked terrible. • Image used for wallpaper: • She's from the anime Bakemonogatari... click on the link on the page labelled as '4250x3148' on the left hand side to get the full image size.


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