Allotment Diary How to grow Leeks Planting out
Time to transplant the Leek plants into their final growing positions outside on the allotment. • I like to plant them out when they're about 12-18 tall into holes about 6 deep. • The depth of the hole determines the length of the blanched stem you'll get when harvesting. • If you don't bury the stem then it'll grow green and be bitter. • So , basically using a dibber, make a hole 6 deep or deeper and simply drop a plant into the hole and water in ensuring you don't fill the hole up with soil. • I plant them out quite close as I'm not bothered about them being too big and I like to clear the land by Winter time. • If you want bigger leeks then increase the planting spacings to a foot apart in the row and anything up to 2 feet between the rows to give them maximum space and let them grow as big as possible. • Facebook Page at : / 119640048156011