Eurocode 7 Ultimate Limit States for a Spread Footing
What limit states need to be considered for a spread foundation? You may consider: Loss of overall stability/ Bearing resistance failure/ Failure by sliding/ Structural failure/ Combination of former mentioned failure modes. • #Eurocode7 #UltimateLimitStates #SpreadFooting • Design to Eurocodes: • EN 1990 (EC0) - Basis of structural design • Design to Eurocode 1 - EN 1991 (EC1) - Actions on structures • Design to Eurocode 2 - (EN 1992 EC2) - Design of concrete structures including concrete bridges • Design to Eurocode 3 - (EN 1993 EC3) - Design of steel structures including steel bridges • Design to Eurocode 4 - (EN 1994 EC4) - Design of composite steel concrete structures including composite bridges • Design to Eurocode 7 - (EN 1997 EC7) - Geotechnical design • Terms of use in addition to Standard YouTube Licence :