Book Launch Charu Vilas By HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj
To get a copy of Charu Vilas book please contact : +91 97546 66551 • His Holiness ÅrÄ«la Bhakti Charu Swami MahÄrÄja is renowned for exemplifying the vaiį¹£į¹ava culture of love, wisdom and compassion. He personifies the character of pure devotional service. One of the treasures of my life is the joy of remembering the many years of our chanting and dancing together, sharing our hearts in soulful discussions, and serving the mission of our beloved Guru MahÄrÄja. As many of us feel the depths of separation from Bhakti Charu MahÄrÄja since his departure from the physical world, Charu Vilas will bring us into his divine presence in very special ways. I pray that many fortunate souls will be enthusiastic to read Charu Vilas and be inspired to receive ÅrÄ«la PrabhupÄda’s Divine Grace through the teachings and pastimes of his beloved representative, Bhakti Charu Swami MahÄrÄja. • Radhanath Swami • Through his exemplary life, His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami beautifully illustrated the profound relationship between a spiritual master and disciple. He embodied the essential role a guru plays in every aspect of a disciple’s spiritual journey. While we often contemplate numerous ways to serve our spiritual master, we sometimes overlook the fact that, as his spiritual children, we are constantly being served and cared for by him also. • This book reveals our eternal indebtedness to our spiritual master who guide us in serving Krishna with perfection. It highlights Maharaja’s unwavering adherence to Srila Prabhupada’s standards and his selfless sacrifice in serving ISKCON, whenever required. This book embodies the love, sacrifice, service, teachings, qualities, strength, and faith personified by HH Bhakti Charu Swami. His legacy, and the shining example he set, will forever be cherished by ISKCON for generations to come. • ---- • A memoir written by Krishna Kishore Das • #radhanath #radhanathswami #bhakticharuswami #krishnakishoredas #charuvilas