GCSE Chemistry Revision quotAtom Economyquot Triple

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For thousands of questions and detailed answers, check out our GCSE workbooks https://www.amazon.co.uk/Dr-Shaun-Don... • Great deals on workbooks for schools https://www.freesciencelessons.co.uk/... • In this video, we learn how to assess the efficiency of a reaction by calculating the atom economy. We then look at how chemists ensure that money is not wasted in chemical reactions. • This video is based on the AQA spec. This video may be appropriate for iGCSE / O Level Chemistry. Please consult your specification. The Amazon link above is an affiliate link. This provides a small commission which helps to support freesciencelessons. The cost remains the same to you. If you prefer not to use this, you can search Amazon for the Freesciencelessons workbooks.


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