Haunted Stillwater Indian Cemetery in Fallon Nevada Researching The Paranormal S2E15 Otherworldy
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#SEASON2Episode15 #stillwater #indian #cemetery #Fallon #Nevada #ENHANCEDAUDIO #100%REAL #THISISNOTFAKE #haunted #paranormalinvestigation #Scary #Ghost #Paranormal #Demons #Spirits #Haunted #Evil #House #Discoveryplus #RTP #Travelchannel #Possession #Darkentity Negativecommentswillberemoved #Shadowfigures #dark • Support us: • https://www.paypal.me/RTParanormal • Researching The Paranormal does Paranormal investigation at the Stillwater Indian Cemetery in Fallon Nevada and captures tons of spirit voices, shadow figures, growling as well as Skinwalker noises and more! • Stillwater Indian Cemetery • Cemetery in Churchill County, Nevada • Address: Unnamed Rd, Fallon, NV 89406 • Grave Robbers Hit Ancient Indian Burial Site in Nevada • L.A. TIMES ARCHIVES • NOV. 10, 1986 12 AM PT • ASSOCIATED PRESS • FALLON, Nev. — An ancient Indian burial site in west central Nevada about 18 miles east of here has been victimized by grave robbers. At least three graves have been emptied over the last two years from the historic Stillwater Marsh burial grounds, according to federal investigators. • The latest theft occurred in mid-October, and investigators think the same person or persons may be responsible for all three incidents. They theorize the robbers are selling the skeletons and other artifacts found in the graves to wealthy collectors. • The Stillwater Marsh has more than 300 Indian burial sites, some dating back as far as 5,000 years. The skeletons have been preserved by their airtight, mud graves. • Federal officials said last winter’s floods killed the grass in the marsh, exposing burial sites previously covered. A team of scientists from the Nevada State Museum in Carson City has been allowed to excavate the exposed graves. • Paiute Tribe Nevada • The Northern Paiute people are a Numic tribe that has traditionally lived in the Great Basin region of the United States in what is now eastern California, western Nevada, and southeast Oregon. The Northern Paiutes' pre-contact lifestyle was well adapted to the harsh desert environment in which they lived. • The Paiutes were hunter-gatherers, and moved from place to place frequently as they gathered food for their families. Paiute men hunted deer, elk, buffalo, and small game, and went fishing in the rivers and lakes. Paiute women gathered roots, pine nuts, seeds and fruits. • Scholars suggest that the Southern Paiutes and other Numic speaking peoples began moving into the Great Basin and Colorado Plateau around 1000 A.D. Prior to contact with Europeans, the Paiutes' homeland spanned more than thirty million acres of present-day southern California, southern Nevada, south-central Utah, and ... • Nevada's Indian Territory is home to the Great Basin Tribes: Washoe, Northern Paiute, Southern Paiute and Western Shoshone, who all feel a deep connection to the environment and all its gifts. • The Paiute had a strong belief in the supernatural. This was evident in their practice of shamanism to assist in childbirth and other parts of life. These shamans functioned as a community healer and would be mentored by a more experienced shaman. • Paiute (pronounced PIE-yoot). The name means “true Ute.” (The group was related to the Ute tribe.) The Spanish called both the Paiute and the Ute “Yutas,” which served as the origin for the name of the state of Utah. • The Northern Paiute call themselves Numa (sometimes written Numu); the Southern Paiute call themselves Nuwuvi; both terms mean the people . The Northern Paiute are sometimes referred to as Paviotso. Early Spanish explorers called the Southern Paiute Payuchi (they did not make contact with the Northern Paiute). • The Northern Paiute live in areas including Lovelock, McDermitt, Mason Valley, Smith Valley, Pyramid Lake, Reno-Sparks, Stillwater, Fallon, Summit Lake and more! • The Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribes' Reservation is located thirty-five miles northeast of Reno, Nevada in a remote desert area of Washoe county