Grafting Figs Multiple Varieties Grafted Fig Tree 10 varieties grafted
Grafting Fig Trees - Multiple Grafting into the same tree - You don't have much space in your backyard? Graft several varieties and you can enjoy different figs from the same tree for several months. Currently, the tree has 10 fig varieties grafted and i plant to add a couple more, next year. • It also has a caprifig to help pollinize the 2 Smyrna varieties (non parthenocarpic) it has, if i can establish a fig wasp colony - see my video on Fig pollination to know more). • 5 of the 10 grafted varieties already started production. The other 5 where grafted this year (2017). • The grafting techniques used where Chip-Budding and Whip and Tongue (videos available on how to execute these 2 techniques on my channel). • More photos of fig tree grafting (mais fotografias de enxertia em figueiras - • ______________________________________________________ • Music (Youtube Audio Library): • Foundation - Vibe Tracks