Secrets Of Statecraft What The Greeks And Romans Can Teach Us
Published on March 3, 2022 • A surprising aspect of human nature during warfare is its immutability over the millennia, as classical scholar and Hoover Institution fellow Victor Davis Hanson shows in our discussion about the Peloponnesian War and the Roman Empire. He illustrates what 5th Century BC Greece can tell us about invasions, charismatic leadership, national honor and courageous resistance today. • ABOUT THE SERIES • Secrets of Statecraft is a bi-monthly podcast hosted by Andrew Roberts which explores the effect that the study of History has had on the careers and decision-making of public figures, and which will also ask leading historians about the influence that the study of History had on their biographical subjects. The title is taken from Winston Churchill’s reply on Coronation Day 1953 to a young American who had asked him for life-advice, to whom he said ‘Study History, study History, for therein lie all the secrets of statecraft.’ • To view the transcript and to learn more about this series visit, • Listen to the podcast on the platforms listed below. • Spotify: • Amazon Music/Audible: • Apple iTunes: • Google Podcasts: • Stitcher: