The Story of Amanda Todd
A video I created and dedicated to bullying victim Amanda Todd, who like many others, commit suicide as a result of continuous bullying. I made this video not just as a tribute to Amanda, but also to raise awareness to what effect bullying can have. If you are a victim of bullying, know that you are not alone and find help. Tell someone, tell your parents, tell your friends, tell your peers. Bullying is unfortunately a common problem in modern times with the introduction of the internet. Amanda Todd was an extreme and a prolonged case of bullying, and you can imagine what pain and distress it caused during the final months of her life. If you are being bullied, please TELL someone, help is out there. • PLEASE also consider donating to The Breck Foundation. Breck Bednar is another case of where online predatory and bullying behavior led to a death. Breck was murdered by someone he met online. Please support The Breck Foundation: Please consider donating. With your help, we can take the fight to the online bullies and predators. The foundation has campaigns all around the UK raising awareness of playing safe whilst using the internet. B - is for being beware. R - is for report. E - is for educate. C - is to communicate. K - is keep safe. BRECK. Thank you! • Helpful links if you are a victim of bullying (UK): • • • Helpful links if you are a victim of bullying (US): • • • Her original video: • • Video • Tags: • Amanda Todd The Story of Amanda Todd Suicide RSBritain Amanda Bullying Bully Girl commits suicide after being bullyed stop bullying sad rest in peace self harm depression bleach beautiful story anti bullying anxiety sad video sad story canada