Destiny 2 How To Build amp Optimize Your Armor Sets
I've done a couple of videos on how to make your own build, but I've been finding it interesting how many people do not know about the Loading Optimizer in Destiny Item Manager. Today, I'll be going over this tool and making 3 sets, one per class, to show you how I go about this process. Also, sorry about the long delay between videos, I was at a wedding and then I was doing my charity stream for GCX, so I had to ramp back up into work mode. • Loadout Optimizer Tutorial - 0:00 • Titan - 6:01 • Hunter - 12:49 • Warlock - 17:04 • 5% discount on ASTRO gear: (works in all available regions) • Save $50 dollars when you buy a pre-built PC from Evolve PCs when you use code DATTO at checkout: • Epic Games Store Creator Code: HelloDatto • Danielle's Advanced.GG code: TRVL at checkout (Datto has no affiliation with • Need a good chair? SecretLab has you covered, use my referral link here: (United States and SE Asia Only) • If you enjoyed the video, a positive rating is always appreciated. • Datto Does Destiny Social Media: • Twitter: / dattosdestiny • Twitch: / datto