Chilkat Weaving with Lily Hope Lesson 5 Spinning Cedar and Wool
Gunalchéesh for joining us during GHF’s Lily Hope, Chilkat Weaver, in her SHIFT project, “Protecting the Material Sovereignty of Our Indigenous Homeland.” The series has walked viewers through the process of creating traditional weaving materials. We hope you enjoy this final video in the series. • This project is kindly sponsored in part by the Native Arts and Cultures Foundation. “Protecting the Material Sovereignty of Our Indigenous Homeland” directly addresses Indigenous land sovereignty as the artist researches, advocates, and negotiates for mountain-goat hunts to occur in the spring/summer, highlighting climate change and the protection/preservation of cedar stands, critical for use in ceremonial regalia. • #indigenousartist #nativeart #grantfunded #chilkat #weaving #materialsovereignty