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Chapter 2: Anomalous Materials • After a lengthy tram ride, Gordon Freeman arrives at Sector C, home to the Anomalous Materials laboratory, where he's supposed to be helping conduct a high priority experiment for his science team. Already running half an hour late, Freeman nevertheless takes his time in greeting his colleagues, pulling shenanigans, and blowing up microwave casseroles on his way down to the lab, donning his trusty HEV suit along the way. Once in the lab proper, Freeman proceeds into the chamber with the Anti-Mass Spectrometer, all while noticing warning signs that something indescribable and out of this world is going to happen. • Playlist with all completed chapters: • • Black Mesa: Definitive Edition (Full ... • Notes: • For the sake of time, I did not include all of the optional dialogue in this chapter • If Gordon repeatedly presses the panic button under the desk at the front lobby (3:10), the Guard will eventually say Congratulations. You just made the top of my shitlist • Tossing objects at NPCs will result in a variety of interesting comments about Gordon (most of them negative) • If Gordon does not push the sample into the beam, the Anti-Mass Spectrometer will eventually implode, which kills Gordon • Trivia: • The Guard's comment about Freeman spending a lot of hours at the Hazard course (0:38) seems to rationalize Gordon's proficiency with firearms later on in the game • The line about the ponytail at 1:11 is a reference to Gordon Freeman's HEV suit model in HL1, which sports a small ponytail • Dr. Cross is referenced several times in this chapter, first by the Guard at 1:29, and then again by the Scientist at 9:51. Gina Cross is one of the two playable character in the Gearbox expansion Half-Life: Decay, alongside Collette Green. She is also the holographic trainer in the Hazard Course, seen only in HL1 and HL: OpFor. Needless to say it seems many of the staff at Sector C are very fond of her • The VOX announcer is saying the names of Black Mesa devs when giving PAs to the science team (2:30) • The computer screen at 2:42 displays a chat window between two scientists. This image was created by MarphitimusBlackimus, a Youtuber well known for his in-depth analysis of Half-Life games. He won a contest for it in 2006, but the image was not added until 2015, once the game became available on Steam • The two scientists talking about TPS reports are referencing the 1999 film Office Space (4:00), though in this case TPS stands for Thermal Protection System • -The G-man makes his second appearance at 6:00, arguing with a scientist. In HL1 the two never notice Freeman even if he stands there indefinitely • At 7:30, the scientist mentions a ROFLcopter . This is a VERY dated meme from the early 2000s, first popularized in World of Warcraft • The administrator that the Guard is talking about at 8:14 is non other than Dr. Wallace Breen, one of the main antagonists in HL2 • The conversation at 8:39 can be taken as a reference to the developers and their take on a reimagining of HL1 • The microwave casserole that Gordon (canonically) destroys at 11:52 belongs to Dr. Magnusson, whom you meet in HL2EP2. Magnusson is famous for having a short temper, hence the worried reactions from the guard and scientist • At 13:03, the contents of Freeman's locker are shown, which includes a diploma from MIT as well as a picture of a baby. Canonically, that is not Freeman's son • (13:52) The original mod version of Black Mesa did not have a start-up animation/sequence for the HEV suit. The boot up sequence itself has also been re-done since its inception in the 2015 release • At 14:47, it can be observed that suit chargers now charge much more quickly in the Definitive Edition • Kleiner was retconned by the developers to be part of the scientist group that informs Gordon of the sample at 21:15 • As revealed by the scientist at 22:38, the Xen crystal that Freeman pushes into the Anti-Mass Spectrometer is coined Sample GG3883 • When making HL2, Valve retconned the scientist at 22:58 to become Eli Vance, which Black Mesa acknowledges. The generic NPC name for the HL1 scientist that Eli is based off is called eli in the game files • The scientist on the left at 26:12 was voiced by Kevan Brighting, who also voiced the narrator in the game The Stanley Parable • A Resonance Cascade , as described at 26:36, is completely fictional and cannot happen in real life • At 29:02, it can be seen on the console that the Emergency Shutdown is offline and in need of repairs, hence why the scientist wasn't able to shut it off during the Resonance Cascade • At 29:55, the arms holding the emitters retract and leave the emitters rotating in mid-air • Vortigaunts can be seen teleporting into Black Mesa at 31:15