Caramel Popcorn Recipe HOMEMADE CARAMEL POPCORN • 🔴Please Subscribe To Our Channel / @recipesgenerator • INGREDIENTS • 8 cups popped popcorn • 1 cup unsalted butter • 1 1/2 cups brown sugar • 1/3 cup corn syrup • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla • 1 teaspoon salt, plus additional if desired • 1 teaspoon baking soda • INSTRUCTIONS • Preheat oven to 225F. Line 2 large baking sheets with silicone baking mat. (If you only have one silicone mat, you can line the second baking mat with parchment paper - a silicone baking mat has the best baking results for this recipe.) • Use an air popper to pop your popcorn to avoid adding extra oil to the recipe. • Spread popped popcorn evenly across one sheet, then set aside. • In a saucepan over medium heat, combine the butter, brown sugar, and corn syrup. • Whisk the mixture constantly until butter has melted and brown sugar has dissolved, about 3-5 minutes. • While continuing to whisk, add the vanilla, salt and baking soda into the caramel. The baking soda will cause some bubbling. • Remove saucepan from heat once the caramel has thickened and takes on a lighter, fluffier texture, about 1-2 minutes. • Pour caramel over popcorn and (working quickly) use a spatula to toss popcorn to coat fully. • Place caramel popcorn in the oven and bake for 3 or 4 15-minute intervals, for a total of 45-60 minutes. • At each 15 minute interval, remove the baking sheet from the oven, toss popcorn to coat completely and break up any clumps. At the 45 minute mark, gauge if the popcorn is sticky and well-coated.