Canada Logo Compilation Home Entertainment
Canada Logo Compilation (01 - Home Entertainment) made by TR3X PR0DÚCTÍ0NS, 10/11/2023. • This logo compilation takes a look at the home entertainment companies from Canada, a country in North America that is north from the United States of America. The oldest logo in this video is from 1981 and the most recent is from 2022, and all these logos have appeared on home media formats like VHS, DVD, Betamax, etc. Some of the logos in this list were also used in movies and TV (e.g. Alliance Atlantis and Entertainment One), but I decided not to show all of those logos since this video primarily focuses on home-media logos. This video references the VHS Distributor and AVID (Audiovisual Identity Database - Canadian home entertainment logos category) websites, so credit to them for the information that is mentioned in the video. • The music in the maVen logo was replaced with YouTube stock music, since the original audio is a copyrighted track (fitting for a short-lived company that bootlegged a Wallace and Gromit film.. no cheese and crackers for them). My next video will be an ident history on a Brazilian television network, but for the curious viewers, the 01 in the video intro refers to a future Canada Logo Compilation series, where I might make another two episodes looking at TV and film logos. • Timestamps • 0:00 (A-C) Canada Logo Compilation - Home Entertainment • 5:46 (E-K) Canada Logo Compilation - Home Entertainment • 9:30 (L-R) Canada Logo Compilation - Home Entertainment • 14:57 (S-W) Canada Logo Compilation - Home Entertainment • 17:52 Credits • -TR3X