Valley of the Kings
Just for a change from pyramids - 3d models of most of the tombs in the Valley of the Kings • These models were made with SketchUp and Google Earth and the information mostly came from the Theban Mapping Project. These models are to give an idea of size, shape and location only. I have deliberately not attached pictures of wall decorations to keep the size of the file down. • The numbering of the tombs was the invention of John Gardner Wilkinson who numbered the tombs in 1821. There were 21 tombs known at that time and Wilkinson entered the Valley and numbered the first open tomb 'KV1' (Kings Valley No.1), the second tomb was named 'KV2'' etc. Tombs found after the initial 21 were given the next sequential number regardless of location. • Some of the tombs were not included in this model since they were not much more than a hole in the ground there is no information available to give a clue as to who created it. The list ends with KV62, Tutankhamun. • The selection of the Valley of the Kings as a cemetery may have been inspired by the natural rock formation in the shape of a pyramid overlooking the valley. The Ancient Egyptians believed this was the home of Meretseger, guardian of the valley who took the form of a giant snake. • This is for educational uses only • Music: