AMMOTEST Chinese 762x39 Steel Core
A look at old Chinese Steel Core ammo in 7.62x39 has a mild steel core. A cutaway image is shown, compliments of K. Gross. You can see the steel core inside of the projectile. After shooting against several thicknesses of steel plates a penetrating core was recovered for inspection. This has a copper washed case with a red sealant around the bullet and the primer, headstamp is 51/75. Made in China in 1975. • History, Education, Collectible Ammunition • This ammo has been banned from import into the US since the mid 1990's. Only stock imported before that date is legal. • This is bullet number 7 from the New 7.62x39 Ammo Quiz • Video • Also watch How to Identify Steel Core Ammo • Identifying Steel Core Ammo