How to Celebrate Purim as a Christian What Is Purim All About


Wondering how to celebrate Purim as a Christian? • Learn what is Purim all about and how you can celebrate Purim as a Christian with your family and friends! • Get access to the FREE Biblical Health Plan (7 Steps to Amazing Biblical Health 3 Lies That Prevent • It) - • Learn more: • Find me on Facebook:   / thebiblicalnutritionist   • Listen to our podcast episodes: • Spotify - • Apple Podcasts - • Support the Ministry with $3! • ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Books, Courses, and MORE! • Start Experiencing God's Gift of Health Spiritually Physically TODAY! • Check out my recommended products for health and wellness: • Get my books favorite kitchen essentials • • This Daniel Fast Book Can Help You Get Started the Right Way • Take the Daniel Fast Course today • Be your best self yet! Take the 40-Day Transformation Course (physically and spiritually)! • It's time to celebrate Purim! And today it includes a festival, and a fun one at that. So this is all about how to celebrate Purim as a Christian. • I believe that Purim should be more looked forward to than Christmas or Easter. Think about it. We celebrate Jesus' birth. Yeah, I get it that that's an important time, right? We celebrate His death and resurrection. I mean, that's a glorious day he has risen indeed. But what about how he works in the lives of his people? • So how do we celebrate Purim? Well, we celebrate. First of all, you want to get your Bible, and you want to look at the story of Esther, you want to read it? It's a short story. It's a love story. It's a drama story. Yeah, it's everything wrapped up in one. • So let's look at it. So how do we celebrate Purim as a Christian? Number one plan at least two weeks ahead of time because some of the supplies you're going to need to find either in your house or at the store. • Then ask yourself - Are you going too fast? Are you going to do a three day fast? Are you just going to do maybe an hour fast? I'm not here to judge you on how long you fast, that's totally up to you, but just make a decision. • Can we fast? Can we fast three days? Can we just fast one day, it's up to you how you choose to celebrate. And then Okay, so first of all, get your Bible and read the story of Esther. So you get the story in your mind and then decide for yourself. • So fasting and celebrating - that’s what Purim is all about. There are some incredibly good cookie recipes, which you can make    • Easy Steps on How to Make Purim Cooki...  . They're really delicious, like a sugar cookie with some jelly in the middle just kind of shaped into a triangle, I'll put a picture up of the ones that I made. And it's just a fun cookie. • So we're gonna have food, we're gonna have fasting. Maybe we should do fasting first and then the food, and we're going to read the story of Esther. • So this is where we get to dress up.You want your family to dress up and play the part. Then when you read the book of Esther out loud on the day of the party, every time you read the word Haman, you get these loud noisemakers you go boo. And when you read the word Esther, you go, ooh, la la. Ooh, la la. Alright, so it's gonna happen so many times throughout the story. You could even have people jump up and say, Haman, Boo, or Esther, Yay! • You know, you can make up your own signs, your own symbols, your own noises, your own Cheers. But make it fun, make it memorable. So we've got food we've got, first of all, we read the story just to get the story in our mind of how we want to celebrate it. We decide when we're going to fast, we decide what we're going to eat, how we're going to celebrate, we dress up, we read the story, we shout, we cheer, we boo. And then we just have a time of prayer, recognizing what God has done in the life of Esther. And you know what, he still works the same today. And that's the truth we want to plant into the heart of our children and our grandchildren is that God is still at work in our heart today. God wants to be redemption. And you know what Purim, which is what Esther is celebrating is what the story of Esther Purim stands for hidden.


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