Total War Shogun 2 Walkthrough Campaign Shimazu Clan Part 1


Total War: Shogun 2 Walkthrough Campaign - Shimazu Clan - Part 1 • • Full Series Playlist •    • Total War: Shogun 2 Walkthrough Campa...   • • Total war shogun 2 campaign in Shogun 2 Total War on the Very hard difficulty. start of the campaign with a shimazu clan intro. Strengths are exellent Katana samurai and increased loyalty for generals. This is not an guide on how to play the shimazu clan or a campaign guide.. Its just me playing my campaign. if you are a beginner though you might find some tip and tricks for your playthroughs in this video. Might be branching into fall of the samurai and rise of the samurai after. • Shogun 2 is set in 16th-century feudal Japan, in the aftermath of the Ōnin War during the Ashikaga shogunate. The country is fractured into rival clans led by local warlords, each fighting for control. The player takes on the management of one of these clans, with the goal of dominating other factions and establishing rule over Japan. The standard edition of the game features a total of eight factions (plus a ninth faction for the tutorial), each with a unique starting position and different political and military strengths. • Shogun 2's blend of turn-based strategy and real-time tactics gameplay is a staple of the Total War series.The player plays the role of both the clan leader and general, alternating between the campaign, where the player manages land and armies turn by turn, and the battles, where the player takes control of the army on the battlefield in real-time. • In the campaign, the player needs to oversee the development of settlements, military production, economic growth, and technological advancement respectively. The armies and units are organised and moved around the stylised campaign map by the player to carry out battles with other factions. In addition to fighting, the player is able to engage in diplomacy, political manoeuvring and the use of special agents to gain the upper hand. Ninja and geisha are also present in the game as assassins and spies. While religion isn't as relevant as it was in Medieval II: Total War, it can't be neglected by the player. Greater interaction with the European foreigners (Nanban traders), for example, to enhance trade and acquire firearms, exposes the clan to Christianity, which will seriously increase religious unrest in the provinces. Religious agents, such as monks and priests can be used to convert the enemy population. • Dont forget to leave a like and comment! Also dont foreget to subscribe and click the bell for more content. Thank you :) • Also you can Now follow me on Twitter •   / cozzaperks   • Join My Discord •   / discord   • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Music used • Total War Shogun 2 ost • Buddha by Kontekst   / kontekstmusic   • Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 • • Music promoted by Audio Library    • Buddha – Kontekst (No Copyright Music)   • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • #CozzaPerks #totalwarshogun2walkthrough #shogun2totalwarcampaign


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