How Do Moles See The World


Quick Guide - How to Use Mole Paste • Let us show you how to prepare mole sauce from mole paste (premade mole). • If you are lucky enough to live near a market where you can buy mole paste in bulk, you are in luck. You can take a culinary tour of Mexico without leaving home. Mole, a generic term for smooth sauces made from dried chiles, comes in countless regional variations. • The most famous is mole sauce is mole poblano from the city of Puebla which most people know as the “chocolate sauce.” A common misconception is that mole must contain chocolate. Most don’t. • There are red moles, yellow and black moles from the state of Oaxaca, green moles from Veracruz, and Querétaro. There are state moles like mole Michoacana from the state of Michoacán and mole Guanajuato from the state of Guanajuato. Try as many as you can. Get the full instructions here: • • *Set-up your Mexican Kitchen* • • #mexicanfood #mexicanrecipe #molepasteuserecipe #howtousemolepaste #molepaste #enchiladas


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