The Day Morris Cerullo Saw Heaven And Hell
From an early age Morris Cerullo's life was marked by unusual miracles. • Today in the Miracle Power Living School of Ministry, Morris Cerullo will share the incredible story of how he was orphaned at the age of two, raised in a Jewish orthodox orphanage, where at the age of 14, through a divine appointment, he received Jesus Christ as his Messiah, inside the four walls of the Daughters of Miriam Orphanage! • Six months later, young Morris had a supernatural encounter that would forever change his life and ministry, when he was taken into the heavens and saw the manifested glory of God and the flames of hell... • Whatever you do don't miss DAY THREE of the Morris Cerullo Miracle Power Living School of Ministry and hear firsthand The Day Morris Cerullo Saw Heaven And Hell! • THE LEGEND OF MORRIS CERULLO: HOW GOD USED AN ORPHAN TO CHANGE THE WORLD! • Call 1-800-514-1864 or click • MIRACLE BOOK FREE DOWNLOAD! • The Miracle Book will take you behind the scenes into Morris Cerullo's personal life, sharing stories of miracles he experienced, and guide you to having your own miracles as you tap in to the five greatest truths Morris Cerullo discovered to live in a rhythm of miracle. • FREE download • CHRIST YOUR HEALER • Morris Cerullo takes you through nearly every Old and New Testament Scripture on healing, believing that God's healing power will be released and you will be healed! Whatever healing you need in your life it is possible through Christ your healer! While you are reading this eBook, let faith arise within you! • Hard copy • GOD’S HEALING COVENANT • Healing has always been a part of God's plan. It is His will to heal all who come to Him in faith. God declared Himself to be Israel's Healer. He said, I am the Lord that healeth thee. Exodus 15:26 • You will learn through the revelation in this book that God has not changed. He has made full provision, through Jesus Christ, for your total healing, as well as your salvation. You can start rejoicing now, even before you read this book, because your healing is assured through God’s unchangeable covenant! Jesus! • Hard copy h • MAKING POSSIBLE YOUR IMPOSSIBILITIES • This is one of Morris Cerullo's great Miracle Crusade messages. You will discover powerful keys for the miracle story of the woman with the issue of blood that will make possible your impossibilities! • Hard copy h • MARKED FOR GOD’S COMMANDED BLESSING! • You are marked for God's commanded blessing because you are a child of God! • God has marked you to be blessed with all He has and all He is! God's blessing means total well-being! It is God's desire to release His unlimited blessing upon you! When you finish reading about God's commanded blessing, you will fully understand why God wants to bless you in order that you can be a blessing to others! • $10.00 - Hard Copy • OVERCOMING YOUR DEEP HURTS • What would it be like for you to experience freedom from every hurt? God wants to bring you into an experience of 100% victory over every deep hurt in your life. Morris Cerullo will take you step by step, into God's plan for your complete and total restoration. • Hard copy