Romans Chapter 8 Summary and What God Wants From Us
This is a summary of the eighth chapter of Romans, the most important verse, and what I think God is wanting us to do in response to it. • You can use this video as a supplement to your daily Bible study or scripture reading. It contains a Bible verse or multiple Bible verses from the King James Bible not kjb usccb nasb niv, and it can be used as a Bible verse of the day. • You can search other videos in the series for online Bible reading and encouraging Bible verses in the Old Testament and the New Testament. Some have Jesus quotes and commentary or Bible concordance. • Watch for your daily audio bible biblehub inspirational bible verses youversion Bible study tool. Discover some of the promises of God as you do a Bible in a year reading plan for Bible verses for healing and strength. • #Romans8 #Bible #JesusChrist • Welcome back to ‘the bible says what’. Today I will summarize Romans chapter 8, where Paul explained the Christian’s deliverance from bondage, and their victory in Christ. Paul started by saying that there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. The law of the Spirit of Christ has set them free from the law of sin and death. For what the Law could not do, God did do. He sent his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh and as an offering for sin he condemned sin in the flesh so the requirement of the law would be fulfilled. Paul said whoever is of the flesh will have their minds set on fleshly things. The person living in the flesh is hostile to God. They are not able to do anything Godly or please God at all, even if they tried. But they do not even want to try. And the person living in the flesh will get everything they deserve. They will eternally die. • Paul went on to say that whoever is of the Spirit sets their minds on the things of the spirit, such as life and peace. He said if the Holy Spirit lives in them, they can be sure they are not living in the flesh. If the Holy Spirit does not live in them, they do not belong to Christ. If believers are putting to death the fleshly deeds of the body, they can know they have attained eternal life. They can know that they have received the Holy Spirit and call God in heaven their father. And because they are God’s children, they are also heirs with Christ and will inherit everything. • Paul continued and said all of creation groans with anticipation for this sinful chapter of history to be finished. All real Christians also groan and want this chapter to be finished, too. They eagerly anticipate what comes next. Paul said all of the sufferings of this present age are not even worthy to be compared to the glory that is coming. But as they wait patiently, the Holy Spirit helps their weaknesses. Christians do not know how to pray as they should. But the Holy Spirit living inside of them intercedes to the Father for them. If God is for us, nothing can be against us. Even if we are murdered, we are more than conquerors through Christ. Be assured that there is more to life than this physical realm. • The most important verses in this chapter are Romans 8:28 through 31 which state, ‘And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestine to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom he did predestine, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified. What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?’ • The thing I think the Lord wants us to understand after reading this chapter is that if a person is in Christ, they will not be condemned for their sin. The blood of Jesus washes away their sin. God communicated to us plainly that He sent His Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering, and Jesus fulfilled God’s requirements of the Law. People can be sure they are living in the spirit if the Holy Spirit lives within them and if they are putting to death the sinful deeds of the flesh. God considers them His children. All of creation groans and waits for judgment day. God wants believers to know that the Holy Spirit prays for them when they do not know how to pray. • Are you groaning and eagerly waiting for judgment day? You don’t have to be afraid of that day if you are found hidden in Christ. Will you be found in Christ? You can be. Why don’t you call out to the Lord to save you? Repent for your sin and turn to Jesus for salvation. He is offering you new life. Jesus humbled himself and died on a cross as your substitute, and the Father raised Jesus from the dead. God said if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and if you believe in your heart that the Father raised Jesus from the dead, you would be saved. Why don’t you do that right now?