Dont Starve Together Guide The Ancient Fuelweaver


Welcome to another Don't Starve Together Guide! Today we take a look at the lureplant, easily one of the most underrated items in the game. Lureplants can help you to do stuff like mass farm stacks of crops in a matter of seconds, single-handedly protect your entire base from seasonal dangers, provide defense against other mobs, and even help you to easily take down Fuelweaver, one of the hardest bosses in the game. Sounds too good to be true? Watch on. • Lureplants have a chance of spawning on the surface every 3-5 days during Spring in any area recently visited by a player. They will not spawn on cave rock, sandy, rocky, or any crafted flooring, so if you are spending a lot of time around non-elegible turf your spawn rates will decrease. While you could get 4 or 5 lureplants in a single Spring, you’re probably doing a mix of exploration and basing so you will typically get 2-3 by the end of the season. • Subscribe to Lakhnish Monster:    / @lakhnishmonster   • Join Jazzy's Games on Discord:   / discord   • Play Don't Starve Together on our dedicated server: Jazzy Endless • Like and subscribe for more videos! • Hook, Line, Inker will be remembered as the big fishing update. We are finally going to have the tools we need to go sailing and fish around literally anywhere in the ocean. This update added over a dozen new ocean mobs, three new crockpot recipes, and tons of new craftable items and structures. Most of these new additions are tailored toward the goal of dramatically expanding the fishing experience in DST. So stick around to the end while I attempt to cover everything! • Throughout 2019, Klei has released a series of game updates available to all players, under the single thematic focus entitled “Return of Them. • Charlie’s machinations have come to a head as she turns her attention towards the skies - and the mysterious entity that awaits there. Our Survivors will be forced to contend with terrifying monstrosities beyond their comprehension, and yet, there may be a silver lining: their minds and horizons will be expanded under the sublime light of an ancient moon. • Here is an overview of what was added in the first update, Turn of Tides: • Added a new multiplayer-centric boat mechanic, where players can build and deck out a boat for multiple survivors to travel together on • Added a new Seafaring crafting menu • Added the Lunar Island • Added Enlightenment • Added 3 new Lunar Island biomes, along with new creatures, objects, and craftables • Turn of Tides focused primarily on building the fundamental tech and infrastructure for Return of Them. Over the following months more content is expected to be added to both the islands and the sea. • Don't Starve Together is the standalone multiplayer expansion of the uncompromising wilderness survival game, Don't Starve. Now including Reign of Giants; adding new characters, seasons, creatures, biomes, and Giant new challenges to Don’t Starve Together. Cooperate with your friends in a private game, or take your chances with strangers online. Work with other players to survive the harsh environment, or strike out on your own. Do whatever it takes, but most importantly, Don't Starve.


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