Im Back From Vacation VLOG What I Painted amp Random Chat


I'm Back From Vacation VLOG {What I Painted Random Chat} • I just got back from a week in the Bahamas. We stayed at Harborside (A great place for families as you have a kitchen and washer dryer and it is less expensive than staying in the Altantis hotel but you still get access to all of the facilities of Atlantis) • I am glad I brought my paints for 2 reasons: 1. I enjoy painting and I find it so much easier to remember and observea place accurately if I have painted there because you soak in all of the details instead of passively looking at things. 2. I am a very nervous traveler and having that crutch makes me feel more at ease. Luckily the resort was not crowded so it was very enjoyable for us:) • Art Supplies I brought: set of 24 watercolors, waterbrush, tri-tone colored pencils, Strathmore visual journal with 140# CP watercolor paper 6 x9 (ish), pencil, sharpener, eraser, white gel pen and a sharpie which I immediately lost LOL! I also brought 1 empty MIO flavor squirt bottle to refill my waterbrush with. It worked perfectly! • *If I had it to redo I would have taken 12 colors out of the palette and added a large flat waterbrush for washes. Also I emptied the water container and waterbrush before going through security. • I painted on both sides of the sketch book pages. Since I am keeping the work in a sketchbook I could use fugitive colors, like the opera accents I added to the palm tree. It was freeing! • This was the first flying someplace far away trip we took as a family and it was wonderful. I am so glad we went a bit off season because there were no crowds and no waiting for any of the attractions, it was 100% pure enjoyment. Luckily the kids only missed a couple days of school as there were snowstorms back home and school was cancelled a couple of times when we were gone. I guess Atlantis gets really bust during Christmas and school break and people have to wait up to an hour to go on a water slide, that would not be fun for me as crowds freak me out. • Here is the contact info for my travel agent (she is a friend who did not ask me to mention her but she is really good at taking care of every detail and I totally recommend her, her name is Amy Dube)   / firstclasstravelagent   • Enroll in my Craftsy Class at 50% off: *Discount appears in cart, expired March 3rd, 2017 • Credits: • Video production and Craft ideas: Lindsay Weirich • Music: Kevin MacLeod ( • Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 • • Sign Up For The Frugal Crafter News! • For Sponsorships or Product Reviews: • SUBSCRIBE! • Follow along and have fun! • Thefrugalcrafter Community on Facebook:   / thefrugalcrafter   Join in the fun! • Visit my blog: • Follow me on Pinterest:   / boards   • Twitter:   / lindsayweirich   • Instagram:   / lindsayweirich   • Subscribe:


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