How to Impress Your Boss During Your Performance Review


Annual review season is upon us. • And whether you're up for a raise or simply want to keep your current salary, it's important to make a good impression during your review. • You've put in a lot of hard work at your job, but you are still nervous about your upcoming performance review with your boss. • Every year, millions of people go through the performance review process. And for many, it can be a nerve-wracking experience. • One wrong move and you might find yourself passed up for a promotion or worse, out of a job. • The best way to impress your boss during your performance review is by being prepared and having a clear idea of what you want to accomplish. • In this video, I will share the three phrases you should use during your annual performance review to make a good impression on your boss and set yourself up for success in the coming year. • Here are the three phrases you can use during your next performance review to impress your boss: • 1. Your Value - Talk about the value you offer to the team and to your company. This is your chance to toot your own horn and remind your boss of all the great work you've done. Always lead with the value you offer and why you are an asset in your role. • 2. Your Contributions - The contributions you have made are important to point out to your boss. Your boss might not know all of the ways you have contributed to team projects and goals, company goals, and objectives, as well your contribution to cross-functional efforts. • 3. Your Accomplishments - After you talk about your value and your contributions, conclude your comments (verbally and written) with your accomplishments. This is your chance to really highlight your successes from the past year. Whether it's a big project you spearheaded or a small goal you achieved, be sure to mention your accomplishments during your review. Talking about your accomplishments is further proof of your value and contributions to the company. • Whether you hit all of your goals or fell short in some areas, be proud of the progress you made over the past year. This shows that you're able to reflect on your accomplishments and learn from your mistakes. • Just like my client Jessica: • She sat down in front of her computer and opened up the document with her review. She had put in a lot of hard work at her job, but she was still nervous about it. She knew that she needed to impress her boss if she wanted to move up in the company. • She started to read through the review, but quickly realized that she wasn't sure what all of the terms meant. She took a deep breath and tried to focus on completing her self-evaluation. Jessica let out a sigh of relief and smiled as she clicked on the save button. • The next Jessica was nervous as she walked into her boss's office for her performance review. She had put in a lot of hard work at the company, but she wasn't sure if it was enough. • Her boss greeted her warmly and asked her to take a seat. He then went over all of the things Jessica had done well at the company, and said that he was very pleased with her progress. • Finally, he got to the part of the review where he talked about areas for improvement. Jessica held her breath as he listed off a few things she could do better. But then he ended on a positive note, saying that he was confident she could overcome these challenges. • Jessica felt relieved and grateful as she left her boss. • Remember, annual reviews are an important part of the performance management process. • By being prepared and using the right language with these three phrases, you can make a good impression on your boss and set yourself up for success in the coming year. • Mentioned in this video: If you want to discuss your annual review and what you should say: • This video is part of a live video playlist that can be found here:    • Cicely Simpson LIVE   • If you’d love a customized career strategy based on my 25 years of experience working with people just like you, hop on my calendar at • Learn more about my Monthly Mastermind Coaching Program: • You can share this video by using this link:    • How to Impress Your Boss During Your ...   • FREE Resources • • Text CTC to 66866 to receive my career newsletter • • Career Assessment: • • Download a FREE chapter of my new book: • • Pull Up Your Chair: Career Changing Conversations” Podcast: • Connect with me on social: • LinkedIn:   / cicelysimpson   • Twitter:   / cicelydsimpson   • Instagram:   / cicelydsimpson   • Facebook:   / cicelydsimpson   • Video hashtags: #performancereview #boss #goodimpression #livestream #livevideo


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