GOLD CURSE FAST AND EASY spoiler free Sea of Thieves Tips
Here's a short guide to cut the time taken to get the Gold Curse to a fraction of the time. Follow these 4 tips to quickly burn through the commendations and grab yourself the awesome looking Gold Curse! The Tall Tales are a lot of fun and an awesome story to play through. Following my guide allows you to still experience the Tales while skipping a lot of the annoying grindy part of getting the Curse. • Journal Locations - • - • Please like, comment, and subscribe! Every sub brings me a step closer to being able to make more and more content for you guys. • - • What’s up Lycan’s, My names Ollie. I’m a father of 2 and part time content creator. I’ve loved gaming since I first got a SNES at 7 years old and haven’t stopped since. Since I was introduced to Sea of Thieves, I’ve been hooked. I hope now to give back to the community of this game with some guide videos and some gameplay videos! • - • Stream: / lycanollie Live every Wednesday and Sunday • Discord: / discord Join for Sea of Thieves tips and LFG and to keep up with the channel! • Insta: @lycanollie • #seaofthieves #twitch