Social Constructionism


Need help preparing for the Psych/Soc section of the MCAT? MedSchoolCoach expert, Ken Tao, will teach everything you need to know about social constructionism within theoretical approaches. Watch this video to get all the MCAT study tips you need to do well on the sociology section of the exam! • Social constructionism is a sociological theory that asks, “What is real and what is socially constructed?” When we say something is socially constructed, we mean that it exists because society says that it exists. For example, money is a piece of paper with symbols drawn on. By itself, money has no intrinsic meaning, but as a society, we have universally agreed to say that money can be exchanged for goods and services. • Social constructionism has two forms, weak and strong. Weak social constructionism states that there are two types of facts, brute facts, and institutional facts. Brute facts are fundamental facts about nature that exist independently of society. For example, the speed of light is a constant value equal to 3 x 108 m/s. This would be the case regardless of whether or not society had determined the value. On the other hand, institutional facts are facts that depend on brute facts and depend on social conventions. Money would have no value if society didn’t assign it value, so the value of money is an institutional fact. Strong social constructionism states that everything is a social construct and that there are no brute facts. • MEDSCHOOLCOACH • To watch more MCAT video tutorials like this and have access to study scheduling, progress tracking, flashcard and question bank, download MCAT Prep by MedSchoolCoach • IOS Link: • Apple Link: • #medschoolcoach #MCATprep #MCATstudytools


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