Fire Pit Art Art Sculptures you can use by Artist Rick Wittrig


Fire Pit Art® designs are created by Artist, Rick Wittrig. Creating art you can use is something Rick has been passionate about for many years. The birth of Fire Pit Art® came out of necessity. A fire pit that was purchased from a big box store fell apart in the yard during an evening of roasting marshmallows around the fire with his five year old daughter, family and friends. Chaos ensued as children and adults tried to put out the fire that had caught the dry fall grass on fire in his yard. At that moment Fire Pit Art® was born. • Since that time Rick Wittrig has created steel fire pit designs that should last a lifetime. Using 1/4 carbon steel his fire pits are virtually indestructible. His designs have been showcased during the Vancouver Winter Olympics, Hotels, Restaurants, Lodges, Parks, Golf Courses, Theme Parks and many homes throughout the United States, Canada, Australia, Mongolia and Europe. • Each Fire Pit Art® is individually tagged and numbered by the Artist. •


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