King Ahirom of Byblos Sarcophagus Phoenician Inscription revisited Ahirom tomb graffito KAI12


King Ahirom of Byblos Sarcophagus Phoenician Inscription revisited. (KAI-1). Ahirom tomb graffito (KAI-2) • A 3100-year-old inscription! This was the first significant and longest Phoenician inscription to be written in the newly invented Phoenician alphabet that became the mother of almost all known alphabets today. (KAI 1). The Graffito on the Tomb wall to ward off tomb robbers and desecrators written in three lines (KAI-2) • Phoenician inscription using Hebrew alphabet (KAI-1): • ארן ז פצל אתבצל בן אחרם מלך גבל לאחרם אבה כ שחה בצלם • ואל מלך במלכם וסכנ בסכנם ותמא מחנת צלי גבל ויגל ארנ זן תחתסף חטר משפתה תהתפך כסא מלכה ונחת תברח על גבל והא ימח ספרה לפף שבל • Phoenician Inscription using Hebrew Alphabet (KAI-2): • לדעת, הן יפד לך, תחת זן. • Phoenician Inscription using modified Latin Alphabet (KAI-1): • ᵓRN. Z PᶜL. ᵓTBᶜL. BN ᵓḤRM. MLK GBL. LᵓḤRM. ᵓBH. K ŠTH. BᶜLM. WᵓL. MLK. BMLKM.WSKN. BSKNM. WTMᵓ. MḤNT. ᶜLY. GBL. WYGL. ᵓRN. ZN. TḤTSP. ḤṬR. MŠPṬH. THTPK. KSᵓ. MLKH. WNḤT. TBRḤ. ᶜL. GBL. WHᵓ. YMḤ. SPRH. LPP. ŠBL. • Phoenician Inscription using Latin Alphabet (KAI-2): • LDᶜT, HN YPD LK, TḤT ZN. • A French Translation (KAI-1) : • • Sarcophage qu’a fait Ittobaal, fils de Ahiram, pour Ahiram, son père, quand il l’a placé dans l’éternité. • • Et si un roi parmi les rois ou un gouverneur parmi les gouverneurs, ou un commandant en campagne contre Gubal et découvre ce sarcophage, que le sceptre de sa juridiction soit brisé, que le trône de sa royauté soit renversé, et que la paix s’éloigne de Gubal. Et efface cette inscription, que le traineau de sa robe royale soit coupé. • • A French Translation (KAI-2) • Attention! Il n’y a rien qui te soit utile là-dessous. • English translation (KAI-1): • • This coffin was made by Ittobaal, son of Ahiram, King of Byblos, for Ahiram his father, Lo, thus he put him in Eternity. • • Now, if a king among kings, and a governor among governors and a commander of an army shall come up against Byblos, and if he shall uncover this coffin, the sceptre of his judiciary shall break, the throne of his kingdom shall overturn, and peace and quietness shall depart from Byblos. And if he shall erase this inscription, his royal robe shall be torn. • • English Translation (KAI-2): • Attention! Behold, thou shalt come to grief below. • An Arabic translation (KAI-1): • هذا التابوت الحجري، صنعه (فعله) إيتوبعل، ابن أحيرام، ملك جبيل، لأبيه أحيرام حين وضعه بمثواه الأبدي. أما الأن، أي ملك بين الملوك، أو أمير بين الأمراء، أو قائد جيش في حملة (عسكرية) ضد (على) جبيل، يفتح هذا التابوت الحجري، فلينكسر صولجان حكمه (قضائه), ولتنقلب كرسي ملكه, ولتبرح السكينة والسلم عن جبيل. او يمحي منقوشته هذه، فليُمَزَقَ ثوبُ ملكِهِ. • An Arabic translation (KAI-2): • انتبه! سوف تصاب بالغم الشديد هنا في الأسفل. • References : • 1- Les inscriptions Phéniciennes et leur style, Fady Stéphan, publications de l’Université Libanaise, Beyrouth, Liban 1985. • 2- A Phoenician-Punic Grammar, Charles R. Krahmalkov, Brill, 2001. • 3- Textbook of Syrian Semitic Inscriptions, Volume III, Phoenician Inscriptions. J. Gibson. Oxford University Press, 2002. • 4- Phoenician-Punic Dictionary, Charles R. Krahhmalkov, Peeters, Orientalia Lovaniensia, Studia Phoenicia XV, Leuven 2000 • 5-A Comparative Semitic Lexicon of the Phoenician and Punic Languages. Richard S. Tomback. Society of Biblical Literature Dissertation series number 32. Wipf and Stock publishers, 1978 republished 2019. • 6-A Grammar of Phoenician and Punic, Stanislav Segert. Verlag C.H. Beck Munchen, 1976. • 7- The Phoenicians - Ahiram King of Byblos ( • 8-Byblos Necropolis graffito - Wikipedia • 9-Tearing of clothes: A study of an ancient practice in the Old Testament 28.pdf ( • 8- Notes on the sarcophagus of Ahiram; • 11- A Manual of Ugaritic, Pierre Bordreuil and Dennis Paradee. Linguistic Studies In Ancient West Semitic, Volume 3. Eisenbrauns 2009, third printing 2015. • 12- An Introduction to Ugaritic, J. Huehnergard, Hendrickson Publishers 2012. • 13- KJV; Online Bible.


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