My high functioning autistic STIMMING examples amp how I HIDE IT
My high functioning autistic stimming examples how I hide it • Autistic Stimming is a sensory processing disorder and a massive part of autism and for those who have high functioning disorder is something that you are taught to hide from an early age due to it not being 'normal'. There is no sensory processing disorder vs autism.. its a part of autism and makes up part of your spectrum disorder. • Stimming behaviors in autism is very common and something that you can hide in certain situations but a lot of the time it manifests itself in various ways. it could be general autism stimming (hand flapping, pacing, fidgeting, obsessively tapping, general hand movements) and even more severe like pinching and self harm.. there loads of autistic stimming examples! • Stimming is your body trying to cope with whatever is going on upstairs. Sometimes you can stim to control your emotions and self sooth and other times it can be used to further stimulate your brain. I have had autism since birth and was a child with autism stimming so suppose I could have been classed as a sensory processing disorder toddler but kids werent diagnosed back in the 90's unless it was glaringly obvious that they were low functioning and had to be hidden away. Genuinely instead of trying to support the child they would rather ask how to get a child with autism to stop stimming. Things are different now and im glad that there is more acceptance of stimming in todays world. • It may look odd at times but think of an autistic brain like a computer thats overloaded. Too many programs on at once, CPU is overloading and what does the computer do.. it crashes or shuts certain programs down to stop it overloading. • That's how I see stimming.. its whatever your body can do to soothe you and shut down some of those signals. A lot of the time my brain is like spaghetti junction with so many wires being crossed and so many things going on at once that my body cant cope and almost goes on auto pilot and does its own thing while my brains working overtime to keep me stimulated or trying to shut down some of the stressors. • I wish it was normal and I didn't have to hide a lot of my autistic stimming behaviors but .. thats the world we live in. Normal is anything that fits the norm. You don't meet the average or what is deemed as consistent behaviour among society you are branded a freak and an outcast. So you burrow yourself in a deep hole in the hope that someday you can peak your head out the top and people will see you for who you are and be accepted. • I noticed that there arent many high functioning autism stimming videos which is a crying shame.. cause I'm done with hiding. I won't let you ever see my most embarrassing and shameful moments but that doesn't mean I'm afraid to speak about them. I do so because I am who I am. You can try and change who you are to make other people feel better about being associated with you, but why.. If people don't love you for who you are then you were never that important to them in the first place.. so why bother. Surround yourself with people who want to be around you because of you.. and nobody else. • • Job done • #stimming #aspie #actuallyautistic